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Christmas Songs - Hard Candy Christmas (Chord)
Submitter: lmofle (1205) on 11/12/03
Month Views: 866 | Total Views: 20,051
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Hard Candy Christmas
By Dolly Parton

Capo 1

Intro chords:
C/B  F  C/B   F  Dm  F   G  A Asus4 A  F  G  C

C/B             F            C/B        F
Hey, maybe I値l dye my hair, maybe I値l move somewhere
         Dm                     F        G
Maybe I値l get a car Maybe I値l drive so far
            A          Asus4  A
They値l all lose track
F        G            C/B
Me, I値l bounce right back
C/B        F                C/B        F
Maybe I値l sleep real late, maybe I値l lose some weight
           Dm                        F        G              A Asus4 A 
Maybe I値l clear my junk, maybe I値l just get drunk on apple wine
F        G
Me, I値l be just

C        F
Fine and dandy
                 G          C
Lord it痴 like a hard candy Christmas
                   Em        F 
I知 barely getting through tomorrow
But still I won稚 let
       G            C
Sorrow bring me way down
G       C        F 
I値l be fine and dandy
                 G          C 
Lord it痴 like a hard candy Christmas
                   Em        F
I知 barely getting through tomorrow
But still I won稚 let
       G            C
Sorrow bring me way down

Hey, maybe I値l learn to sew, maybe I値l just lie low
Maybe I値l hit the bars ,aybe I値l count the stars until dawn
Me, I will go on
Maybe I値l settle down, maybe I値l just leave town
Maybe I値l have some fun, maybe I値l meet someone
And make him mine
Me, I値l be just


Move Capo to 3


団ause I値l be fine
(I値l be fine)
Oh, I値l be fine

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