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Christmas Songs - Joy To The World (Chord)
Submitter: microsysinc (13) on 11/29/13
Month Views: 1,077 | Total Views: 51,567
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Joy To The World (key of C major)  -  George Frideric Handel (Lowell Mason 1839)

Verse 1
C   F      C       F   C    G  C
Joy to the world…  the Lord is come…
    F          G           C
Let earth…  re…ceive…  her King…
    F  G  C           F    G   C       
Let ev'ry heart…  pre…pare Him room…
    C                 C/G
and Heav'n and nature sing…
    G                 G7
and Heav'n and nature sing…
    C    F   G6  C           G  G7   C 
and Heav'n…  and Heav'n…  and na…ture sing…

Verse 2
Joy to the earth…  the Saviour reigns…
Let men…  their songs…  employ…
While fields and floods…  rocks, hills and plains…
Repeat the sounding joy…
Repeat the sounding joy…
Repeat…  repeat…  the sounding joy…

Verse 3
No more let sins…  and sorrows grow…
Nor thorns…  infest…  the ground…
He comes to make…  His blessings flow…
Far as the curse is found…
Far as the curse is found…
Far as…  far as…  the curse is found…

Verse 4
He rules the world…  with truth and grace…
And makes…  the nations…  prove…
The glories of…  His righteousness…
And wonders of His love…
And wonders of His love…
And wonders…  wonders…  of His love…

Chord Chart
   C   C/G  F    G   G6   G7

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