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Conway Twitty - Tight Fitting Jeans (Chord)
Album: The Conway Twitty Collection (1994)
Submitter: WildCard76 (750) on 11/5/03
Month Views: 3,554 | Total Views: 40,628
Moderator: Ray Terry | Report This Song?
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Conway Twitty
Album: The Conway Twitty Collection
MCA Records
Submitted by: christopher r.
November 5, 2003

Intro:  (A)  (A)  (E)  (A)

(A) She tried to hide it by the
Faded (D) denim clothes she (A) wore
But I knew she'd never been
(B7) Inside a bar be(E)fore
And (A) I felt like a peasant
Who (D) just had met a (A) queen
And she knew I saw right thru
Her (E) tight fittin' (A) jeans.

I asked her, "What's a woman
(D) Like you, doin' (A) here?"
"I see you're used to champagne
But (B7) I'll buy you a (E) beer."
She (A) said, "You've got me figured out
But (D) I'm not what I (A) seem.
And for a dance I'll tell you 'bout
These (E) tight fittin' (A) jeans."

She (E) said, "I married money
I'm (A) used to wearin' pearls
But I've (D) always dreamed of (A) bein'
Just a (B7) good ole boys' (E) girl
So to(A)night I left those crystal
Candle (D) lights to live a (A) dream
And pardner, there's a tiger in these 
(E) Tight fittin' (A) jeans."

(A)  (A)  (D)  (A)  (A)  (B7)  (E)  (F)

We (A#) danced every dance and Lord,
The (D#) beer that we went (A#) through
I'm satisfied I did my best,
To (C7) make her dream come (F) true
As she (A#) played out her fantasy,
Be(D#)fore my eyes it (A#) seemed
A cowgirl came alive inside those
(F) Tight fittin' (A#) jeans.

In my (A#) mind she's still a lady, 
That's (D#) all I'm gonna (A#) say
I knew that I'd been broken, 
By the (C7) time we parted (F) ways
And I (A#) know I held more woman 
Than most (D#) eyes have ever (A#) seen
That I knew a lady wearin' 
(F) Tight fittin' (A#) jeans.

Well (F) now she's back in her world
And (A#) I'm still stuck in mine 
But I know I'll always re(C7)member the (F) time
A (A#) cowboy once had a (D#) millionaire's dream
And (A#) Lord, I loved that lady wearin' 
(F) Tight fittin' (A#) jeans
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