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Craig Campbell - When Ends Don't Meet (acoustic) (Chord)
Submitter: raulherrera7257 (0) on 5/6/14
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Craig Campbell

Song: "When Ends Don't Meet"
Album: Never Regret (2013)


great song, heard him play this live on the Bobby Bones Show, and I was hooked. so i found the video and saw how he played it. a couple of the chords are played different but if you listen to it or see the video you'll hear what i'm talking about.
it's all finger picking, but if you strum it, it doesn't sound bad either.

-the D is played with an open bottom string
-the Cadd9 is also played with an open bottom string.

When the rain comes down
Through the hole in the roof
And every nail in the house
Is coming loose
               (G)               (D)     
A for sale sign stuck in the yard
                (Cadd9)                  (D)
The day it sells is gonna break her heart
(Cadd9)                           (G)
She knows I'm out there doing the best I can
                        (Cadd9)         (D)
Trying to keep these wolves away, with my bare hands
(Cadd9)                                (G)
We work and scrape and fight and pray until it hurts
       (Cadd9)             (D)
I lean on her, she leans on me
       (Cadd9)      (D)
That's what we do
When ends don't meet

When I drag it home
Dead on my feet
If she worries at all
She don't let on to me
            (G)             (D)   
Her simple smile can say so much
                 (Cadd9)                 (D)    
Her ten dollar dress looks like a million bucks

(Cadd9)                           (G)
She knows I'm out there doing the best I can
                        (Cadd9)         (D)
Trying to keep these wolves away, with my bare hands
(Cadd9)                                (G)
We work and scrape and fight and pray until it hurts
       (Cadd9)             (D)
I lean on her, she leans on me
       (Cadd9)      (D)
That's what we do
When ends don't meet

We hold on a little longer
A little tighter, a little stronger
We love a little deeper
       (G)                (D)
And we dance across the kitchen

(Cadd9)                           (G)
She knows I'm out there doing the best I can
                        (Cadd9)         (D)
Trying to keep these wolves away, with my bare hands
(Cadd9)                                (G)
We work and scrape and fight and pray until it hurts
       (Cadd9)             (D)
I lean on her, she leans on me
       (Cadd9)      (D)
That's what we do
                   (G)    (D)
When ends don't meet
               (Cadd9)    (D)
When ends don't meet

Hope ya'll enjoyed it. if you wanna see the video just look up "Craig Campbell on Bobby Bones" on youtube. 
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