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Craig Morgan - God Must Really Love Me (Chord)
Album: That's Why (2008)
Submitter: calkins88 (5) on 10/21/08 3 comments
Month Views: 610 | Total Views: 6,021
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Craig Morgan
CD: That's Why
Song: God Must Really Love Me

This was a request. I hope it sounds ok. I tried my best. Please tell me what you think.

Notes: Play intro pretty much through every verse. 
Thats how its really played through the song but with some help from 
wildcard i have changed the verses to make them sound better 
through just one guitar. 
Thanks wildcard for the F#m Idea. It helped a lot!

Capo 1st
I play my G/C chord like this.

A, Asus2, Asus, A repeat twice

A                                         Asus, A
There's been times I let my faith run thin
F#m                            Asus, A
Not been the man I should've been
D                                 Asus, A
After all the trouble I've been in
A                     Asus, A
I'd have gave up on me

A                                   Asus, A
I've lived hard, And I've lived fast
F#m                                Asus, A
Lost things I never will get back
D                                   Asus, A
For someone to look past all of that
A                      Asus, A
God Must Really Love Me

        F#m        A        D
When I look at the miracles around me
At the way that I lived, and the way he forgives
    F#m                    A
I know he's up there smiling down on me
      G/C  D                A     D    A
Yeah, I believe The only reason why I'm still alive
A                         Asus, A
Is God must really love me

A                                 Asus, A
To wake up and feel you by my side
F#m                                 Asus, A
The perfect girl, the perfect time
D                                Asus, A
And see the way our future shines
A                      Asus, A
God must really love me

       F#m        A      D
When I look at the miracles around me
At the dream that I live, and the gifts that he gives
    F#m                         A
I know he's up there smiling down on me
    G/CD             A                 D         A
Yeah, I believe The only reason why I get to live this life
Is God must really love me


A, G, F#m, A

A                                       Asus, A
When I showed the worst, he saw the best
F#m                                     Asus, A 
He pulled the world right off my chest
D                                 Asus, A
Every Day I wake up I feel Blessed
Yeah, I feel so blessed

A, Asus2, Asus, A
God must really love me
A, Asus2, Asus, A
God must really love me
A, Asus2, Asus, A
God must really love me

A, Asus2, Asus, A Fade out 
 Comments (click here to add a non-facebook comment)
Try an F#m after for the 2nd line of the verse, then a D for the 3rd line.
-WildCard76 | 10/21/2008
It sounds ok, but i watched craig do it on a youtube video playing it capo'd on the 3rd fret. Could you please figure that out for me? thnx!
-guitarplaya64 | 1/24/2009
The one below this one is capo 3 and is pretty much perfect
should check it out
-yeehaw32 | 5/27/2009
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