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Crystal Shawnada - You Can Let Go (Chord)
Submitter: redbook (0) on 7/29/08 1 comment
Month Views: 368 | Total Views: 16,102
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Intro: C G C C C D
Verse 1:
C                                  G
Wind blowing on my face, Side walk flying beneath my bike.
C                                       G
I five year- old's first taste, of what freedoms really like.
       C                                 G
He was running right beside me, His hand holding on the seat.
         C                              G
I took a deep breath and hollered, as I headed for the 

            C      G              C   G
You can let go now daddy, you can let go.
     C         G                 D
Oh I think I'm ready, To do this on my own.
                 C          G      Bm                Fm7
It still feels a little bit scary, But I want you to know.
                 Em             C   G
I'll be okay now daddy, You can let go.

Verse 2:
      C                                  G      
I was standing at the alter, between the two loves of my life.
   C                                     G
To one I've been a daughter, To one I'll soon will be a wife.
When the preacher asked, "Who gives this women"?
Daddy's eyes filled up with tears. 
        C                                D
He kept holding tightly to my arm, Til I whispered in his ear.

(Repeat Chorus)

Verse 3:
       C                               G                    
It was killing me to see the strongest man I ever knew.
C                                G
Wasting away to nothing, In that hospital room.
"You know he's only hanging on for you?" 
That's what the night nurse said.
   C                                   D
My voice and heart were breaking, As I crawled into his bed...And Said...

        C          G              C   G
You can let go now daddy, you can let go.
            C                         D
Your little girl is ready, to do this on my own.
                C          G      Bm                Fm7 
It's gonna be a little bit scary, but I want you to know.
                 Em             C   G
I'll be okay now daddy, you can let go.
        C   G  C D G strum out
You can let go.

 Comments (click here to add a non-facebook comment)
I Absolutely LOVE this song... its so touching... and its an easy one to play
-babydoll200526 | 5/13/2009
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