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Diamond Rio - I Believe (easy) (Chord)
Album: Completely (2002)
Submitter: EMRLDEYZS (83) on 7/30/03 3 comments
Month Views: 782 | Total Views: 10,337
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Tabbed by: Emrldeyzs


INTRO: G  D  Em  C

G                             D
Every now and then, soft as breath upon my skin
Em                                 C
I feel you come back again, and it's like you haven't been
      G                             D
Gone a moment from my side, like the tears were never cried
          Em                C             D
Like the hands of time are holding you and me

        G                                   D
And with all my heart I'm sure, we're closer than we ever were
       Em                           C
I don't have to hear or see, I've got all the proof I need
         G                           D
There are more than angels watching over me
    C   D         G
I believe, oh I believe

G                                                D
That when you die your life goes on, it doesn't end here when you're gone
      Em                                  C
Every soul is filled with light, it never ends and if I'm right
             G                   D
Our love can even reach across eternity
    C    D        G
I believe, oh I believe


F                  C            G             D
Forever you're a part of me, forever in the heart of me
        F               C           D
And I'll hold you even longer if I can
   F                 C              G          D
The people who don't see the most, say that I believe in ghosts
  F                   C            D              G    D   Em   C
And if that makes me crazy, then I am, cause I believe
         G                            D
There are more than angels watching over me
    C   D         G    D  Em
I believe, oh I believe

G                             D
Every now and then, soft as breath upon my skin
Em                       C
I feel you come back again
And I believe


G      320033
D      XX0232
Em     022000
C      X32010
F      XX3211
 Comments (click here to add a non-facebook comment)
Well, actually, you tabbed it in the key of "Bb". You have it capoed, therefore it changes the key while using "G" chords. So, yeah...
-griffeyjr24 | 7/30/2003
Oops! Your right. Thanks for the correction.

EE :)
-EMRLDEYZS | 7/31/2003
Great song, great tab!
-5040 | 1/9/2005
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