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Dolly Parton - Imagine (Chord)
Submitter: markpytko (3) on 12/6/05 1 comment
Month Views: 652 | Total Views: 5,538
Moderator: GeetarGirl96 | Report This Song?
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Intro: C Cmaj7 F (2X)              
Verse 1                     
C  	        Cmaj7  F             
Imagine there's no heaven           
C  	        Cmaj7    F
 It's easy if  you     try
C       Cmaj7  F   
 No hell  below  us
C  	  Cmaj7   F   
 Above us only  sky

F  	  Am/E     Dm   F/C
 Imagine all the people,
G          C/G  G7  
 Living for today.  I...

Verse 2
C  	        Cmaj7    F
 Imagine there's no   countries
C  	      Cmaj7    F   
 It isn't hard to    do
C  	 Cmaj7   F   
 No greed or   hunger
C  	    Cmaj7    F   
 And no religion   too

F  	  Am/E    Dmin   F/C
 Imagine all the people,
G            C/G  G7  
 Living life in peace.  You...

F  	   G  	       C   Cmaj7  E  E7
 You may say I'm a dreamer,
F  	  G  	        C   Cmaj7  E  E7
 But I'm not the only one.
F  	    G  	         C     Cmaj7  E  E7
 I hope someday you'll join us,
F  	    G  	       C        C/G  C/A  C/B
 And the world will live as one.

Verse 3
C  	   Cmaj7  F
 Imagine no possessions
C  	     Cmaj7   F
 I wonder if you   can
C  	        Cmaj7  F
 Nothing to kill or die for
C  	      Cmaj7  F
 A brotherhood of man

F  	  Am/E    Dm    F/C
 Imagine all the people,
G            C/G   G7  
 Sharing all the world.   

F  	   G  	       C   Cmaj7  E  E7
 You may say I'm a dreamer
F  	  G  	        C   Cmaj7  E  E7
 But I'm not the only one
F  	    G  	         C     Cmaj7  E  E7
 I hope someday you'll join us
F  	    G  	       C
 Comments (click here to add a non-facebook comment)
I haven't heard it yet, but, I bet it's way
better than the original version by Lennon.
I know before even hearing it. Dolly Parton's better than Lennon. It's Dolly's song, now. Nay to the Beatles. Good tab.

:) :)
-macg1 | 12/6/2005
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