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Eleven Hundred Springs - North Side Blues (Chord)
Album: Bandwagon (2006)
Submitter: Countrykid8 (1) on 7/29/03
Month Views: 496 | Total Views: 3,861
Moderator: lmofle | Report This Song?
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North Side Blues

Words and music by Matt Hillyer and Steve Berg

G                                   A     
Travelin round the Lone Star state you sure can have a ball,
D                             G                D
Stayin out way too late. Feels like we've seen it all,
G                          A 
From Corpus up to Amarillo everybody's heard the news,
D                                           G
Watch out San Antonio can give you the north side blues.

G                                        A           
All the nights and miles and memories they feel like one big
       G                    D  
And you just don't know what to expect when things ain't what they seem,
G                                           A           
Just when you think that you're ahead and you finally paid your dues,
D                                                      G
Then you wake up the next morning with a case of the north side blues  

C                 C
San Antone! San Antone!,
Why don't you leave me alone,
G                    A     
You know I've always loved ya,
You make me feel at home
But you took all those things from me now
Some things I hate to lose,
Every time I go back to you now,
D                        G
You give me the north side blues,


G                                      A         
Well we grooved on to El Paso way and across to Austin too,
D                                       G      D
And travelin down the river walk is a real fun thing to do,
G                                    A 
But be careful not to lose yourself and listen to my clues,
D                                              G
Or you'll wind up just like me. Singin the north side blues,

Repeat Chorus: 
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