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Eleven Hundred Springs - One I Need (Chord)
Submitter: Countrykid8 (1) on 7/30/03
Month Views: 475 | Total Views: 3,238
Moderator: lmofle | Report This Song?
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One I Need 
Words and music by Matt Hillyer

E                         A              E             
Well it's not because your body's built for lovin,
E                           A          B7               
And it's not because you're every man's desire,
B7      A                                 E             
And the reason ain't that people say that we were meant to be,
E       A                                 E             
You're not the one I want. You're the one I need,

E                         A       E         
When people say we look so good together,
E             A                   B7  
I don't really keep that thought in mind,
E        A                           E
I wanna run around and show my love for all the world to see,
E      A           B7                     E
You're not the one I want. You're the one I need,

A                             E                                            
I love you like I've never loved before,
B7                    E                  E7          
And with each new day I love you that much more,
A                                          E                    
I'd walk the whole world over if you asked me to,
F#                 A   B
Oh I'd do anything for you,

E                     A                E
So I don't care if people think we're trouble,
E                       A              B7               
I don't care if we're the talk of the town, 
B7     A                                      E 
And despite what anybody says I know it's meant to be,
E       A          B7                  E
You're not the one I want. You're the one I need

E       A            B7                      E 
You're not the one I want. You're the one I need 
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