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Eleven Hundred Springs - Raise Hell, Drink Beer (Chord)
Submitter: mammy (64) on 3/24/03 4 comments
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Raise Hell, Drink Beer
by Eleven Hundred Springs

Written by: ?


A                                             D
Well my daddy grew up in a small town in Oklahoma,
              A                                          E
And you could say there wasn't much for a growin' boy to do
           A                                                D
Except to drive around town with all his friends on the weekends
         A                      E                 A
And go searchin' for a case of beer that wasn't 3.2.
He used to drive around town in an old 1960 Corvair
A                                               E
Him all his friends, they called themselves the BBD.
             A                                   D
Well when I asked him what those three initials stood for,
           A                          E                    A
He said "Barlorsville Beer Drinkers, son, that's what it means.

       A(2)           A(2)
Raise hell, drink beer,
That's all there is to do 'round here.
          A(2)              A(2)
Get your kicks chasin' chicks
Well we do it every day of the year."
He said, "Now, one of these days I'm gonna leave this town
And you won't find me anywhere near...
         A                    E                 A
But for now I'll keep rasin' hell and drinkin' beer."

A  D  A  E  A  D  A  D  A  E  A  2x

- Repeat whole song through -
           A                     E                 A
Yeah, for now I'll keep raisin' hell and drinkin' beer
           A                     E                 A
Yeah, for now I'll keep raisin' hell and drinkin' beer

A    =    X02220
E    =    022100
D    =    X00232
(2)  =    2 quick strums

enjoy :)
mammycc_05 at 
 Comments (click here to add a non-facebook comment)
"Go searchin for a case of bear that wasn't free to."

"1960 Corvair"

Great tabbing!
-WacoKid | 3/24/2003
Go searchin for a case a beer that wasnt 3.2.

Thats the alcohol content of all beer in OKlahoma. They like to get
Texas beer because its stronger. Thats what that line means
-hoytt | 4/5/2003
3.2, not free too

3.2 beer...not the crap they sell you in Oklahoma

just another reason Texas is so much better.

we have enough sense to sell you the right beer.
-grantwiscour | 5/26/2003
BBD is Bartlesville Beer Drinkers not Baylorville
-magicjoker | 4/26/2004
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