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is there anyway you could do a sound byte for this... it helps sooo much, and you really are a very talented guitarist -hahahaha | 6/24/2004 |
-clearmantay39 | 7/8/2004 |
Axehappy, You Rock Dude! Keep up the good work! -NCStatePack | 7/12/2004 |
great tab axe. i just got your brad paisley little moments tab down and it was perfect so im steppin' it up a notch and i think this is the song to do it on, its definately challenging but the tab looks good so far, just one thing though i think at the very end of the tab its supposed to be 17 p15 instead of 17 p5 ;) thanks again for the great tabs -tblazer | 7/25/2004 |
would someone decribe to me exactly what a rake is?
-EGroves5 | 9/27/2004 |
Its my bad terminology.. lol.. a rake is the same as sweep picking, which means you play all those notes with either a down stroke, or an upstroke.. kinda like strumming a chord, but each note sounds individually. -axehappy | 9/28/2004 |
what's a "dead note"?
-gutdeer | 1/5/2005 |
dead note is heavily muted by not pressing the string hard enough to make a real note. It just makes a percussive noise. -axehappy | 1/6/2005 |
Bug squashed! I play the Bass guitar, and the 3rd note of the last 5 in the chours solo was really buggin me! (The part where the Bass doubles with the Lead.) I just couldn't tell whether it was a G or G#. I'm glad you made a reliable tab that helped me out. Thanks Axehappy ;) -bassmatt68 | 2/14/2005 |
yo dude that said he had the book could ya help a brotha out and tell me where u can get it -fendermonkey04 | 3/14/2005 |
hey abe could u tell me where to get that book just email it to me my address is -fendermonkey04 | 3/14/2005 |
Hola that is awesome! I got the tab now I just gotta learn to play it! -freekstylin_12 | 5/17/2005 |