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Garth Brooks - Cowgirls' Saddle (Chord)
Album: The Lost Sessions (2008)
Submitter: Stratoman45 (0) on 3/13/06
Month Views: 721 | Total Views: 9,227
Moderator: Ray Terry | Report This Song?
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Cowgirls' Saddle
Garth Brooks
The Lost Sessions (Extended Version)

Last thing I remember was saying, 
"Hey y'all, watch this." Next thing I know I'm walking 
toward this light
           C       C/B      A             G      
When a voice from out of nowhere asked this question. 
  D                                           G
"Garth, what did you love most in your past life?"
              C                         G           G
"Well," I said, "it had to be between cowgirls and horses."
              C                            F
And as I wondered which one that I would settle on,
                                               C C/B A
The voice said, "May you be happy with your answer." 
               D                       G 
I said, "What answer?" He said, "Watch this." And I was 

            C       G         C
Now I'm back as a cowgirl's saddle
                               F  F F# G
Heaven on Earth for all eternity
                  F F# G
Forever in between
Every cowboy's dream
F                        G        C
Riding horses, holding rodeo queens

  C                 G                C
Sew me, show me, throw me in the pickup
   C                                 F
Take me, break me, make me what you need
     F                              C      A7
It's safe to say we're made for one another
                D(7)?                           G
And you'll never fall if you just stick with me
  C               G             C
Fit me, sit me, get me how you want me
   C                                  F
Wrap me, strap me, slap me on your steed
       F                                   C   A7
Can't believe I'm out here flying with an angel
         D(7)?                       G
Oh this afterlife's sure looking up for me

    D             A                   D
Loping, roping, hoping that you're happy
  D                                  G
Racing, placing, chasing all your dreams
           G                              D      B7
Makes me think if I'd lived life a little better
           E                                A
Would I've come back as a pair of cowgirl jeans

            D       A         D
Now I'm back as a cowgirl's saddle
                               G  G G# A
Heaven on Earth for all eternity
                  G G# A
Forever in between
Every cowboy's dream
G                       A        D
Riding horses, holding rodeo queens

Every cowboy's dream
You know just what I mean
           G           A         D
Riding horses, holding rodeo queens  
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