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Garth Brooks - What She's Doing Now (Chord)
Album: Ropin' the Wind (1991)
Submitter: Deleted Member (0) on 7/20/01 9 comments
Month Views: 1,127 | Total Views: 36,270
Moderator: Ray Terry | Report This Song?
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Intro : (Starting Note: F# ) D A Bm G A

D                          A       Bm
Last time I saw her it was turning colder 
G                   A
But that was years ago.
D                    A        Bm 
Last I heard she had moved to Boulder 
G               D/Fis       Em    A 
But where she's now I don't know.
G                                Fism    Bm
But there's something 'bout this time of year 
G             D/Fis Em     A
That spins my head around. 
D              A        Bm
Takes me back, makes me wonder
G          A7    D
What's she doing now.

D                   D/Fis G      A          Bm
'Cause what's she's doing now is tearin' me apart. 
           D/Fis G        A           D
Fillin' up my    mind and emptying my heart. 
               G         Fism               Bm
I can hear her call each time the cold wind blows, 
      Bm/A          G     A          D
And I wonder if she knows what she's doin' now.

D                        A       Bm
Just for laughs I dialed her old number, 
G                   A
But no one knew her name. 
D                  A             Bm
Hung up the phone, sat there and wondered
G        D/Fis         Em    A
If she'd ever done the same. 
G                    Fism    Bm
I took a walk in the evenin' wind
   G        D/Fis     Em   A
To clear my head somehow. 
D             A        Bm
But tonight I lie here thinkin'
G          A7    D
What's she doin' now? 

D                   D/Fis G      A          Bm
'Cause what's she's doing now is tearin' me apart.
           D/Fis G        A           D
Fillin' up my mind and emptying my heart. 
               G         Fism               Bm
I can hear her call each time the cold wind blows,
      Bm/A          G     
And I wonder if she knows 
D                   D/Fis G      A          Bm
that what she's doing now is tearin' me apart. 
           D/Fis G        A           D
Fillin' up my mind and emptying my heart. 
               G         Fism               Bm
I can hear her call each time the cold wind blows,
      Bm/A          G     A          D
And I wonder if she knows what she's doin' now. 

Extro :  D A G A D  
 Comments (click here to add a non-facebook comment)
last time i heard she had moved to boulder, but that was years ago.
-sexton51 | 6/21/2004
What is Fism supposed to mean?
-say-ra | 6/26/2004
Just play Fm for the Fism.
-Chevy204 | 8/31/2004
how do you play a D/Fis?
-outlaw2269 | 9/6/2004
You have a couple of errors here and there but other then that it is pretty good
-skoorbhtrag | 11/6/2004
the Fism should be an F#m actually, and he has the words right at the beginning. good job on the tab.
-mdbkr | 7/28/2005
sexton should listen to the song...u've got it right!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-RedSox7853 | 8/21/2005
I'll second that!You've got it right...last I heard she had moved to correct
-bluegrass30009 | 1/24/2006 is this tab correct after all?
-bonzaiMX510 | 8/10/2008
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