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George Strait - (That Don't Change) The Way I Feel About You (Chord)
Album: Strait Out Of The Box (1995)
Submitter: buffdixie (88) on 8/30/03 1 comment
Month Views: 1,084 | Total Views: 9,303
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George Strait – (That Don't Change) The Way I Feel About You

F Bb F C F

   F                          Bb              F
My ol' pickup truck, seems it just can't keep up
And my boots ain't as new as I'd like
F                             Bb           F 
But that don't change the way I feel about you
                      C          F        
Just the way that you feel about me.

F                           Bb            F
Tomorrow's a new day, start changin' your old ways
You told me this time and again
    F                        Bb         F
But I'm not the kind to ever give up on you
                         C          F   F G A Bb
Just because you've done give up on me.

     Bb                      F
I've tried and I've tried to keep you satisfied
I've give about all I can give
F                             Bb           F 
But that don't change the way I feel about you
                      C          F        
Just the way that you feel about me.

F Bb F C F X2

F                               Bb         F
Spendin' and a offendin', never tendin' or mendin'
And talkin' about bein' a star
    F                         Bb          F
But you'd be surprised if you opened your eyes
                       C            F    F G A Bb
And took a look to see just who you are.


F Bb F C F 

?'s buffdixie at 
 Comments (click here to add a non-facebook comment)
You could also play E, A, and B with a capo on the first fret.
-tpmadden | 4/8/2009
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