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George Strait - 4 Minus 3 Equals Zero (Chord)
Album: Always Never The Same (1999)
Submitter: WildCard76 (677) on 8/14/03
Month Views: 911 | Total Views: 8,873
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George Strait
Album: Always Never The Same
1999 MCA Records
Submitted by: Christopher R.
August 14, 2003

Capo I Fret

Intro: (D)   (E)   (A)   (F#m)   (A)   (E7)   (A)   (E7)

(A) You always (E7) said you (A) loved me
And I (D) always be(E)lieved you (A) did
But (E7) now you're sayin' you're (A) leavin' (F#m) 
And (B7) takin' both of the (E7) kids

Well (A) 4 minus (D) 3 equals (E) zero
You're leavin' just don't add (A) up
It's all (D) over for me if (A) you go (F#m)
'Cause I'll be (A) nothing (E7) without your (A) love

The babies are (E7) sleepin' in the (A) bedroom
They don't (D) know your (E) packin' their (A) clothes
At (E7) least they didn't see me (A) cryin' (F#m)
When you (B7) said that's the way love (E7) goes

Well (A) 4 minus (D) 3 equals (E) zero
You're leavin' just don't add (A) up
It's all (D) over for me if (A) you go (F#m)
'Cause I'll be (A) nothing (E7) without your (A) love
Well (D) 4 minus (E) 3 equals (A) zero (F#m)
Cause I'll be (A) nothing without your (D) love  (A/D)  (Bm)  (A) 
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