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George Strait - Amarillo By Morning(harp) (Tab)
Album: George Strait - Greatest Hits (1990)
Submitter: macg1 (57) on 12/21/05 1 comment
Month Views: 905 | Total Views: 12,045
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7 7 7  -8 7  9  8     -6 7    7   -8 8 
A-marillo by morning, up from San An-tone. 

7  7 7  -7 7    9    8   9  -10  9    -9   9   -8 
Everything that I've got is just what I've got on. 

9    9    -10 -10 -10  -9 -9   9 -10 -8 
When that sun is- high in that Texas sky, 

8    -9 9  9    8  8   -8  -8 7 
I'll be buckin' at the county fair. 

7 7 7  -8 7  9  8     6 6 -6 7  -8   8 -8 7 
A-marillo by morning, A-marillo I'll be-- there. 

Lost my saddle in Houston, 
Broke my back in Santa Fe. 
Lost my wife and a girlfriend somewhere along the way. 
I'll be looking for eight when they pull that gate, 
And I'm hoping that the judge ain't blind. 
Amarillo by morning, Amarillo's on my mind. 

Amarillo by morning, up from San Antone. 
Everything that I've got is just what I've got on. 
I ain't got a dime, but what I got is mine. 
I ain't rich, but Lord I'm free. 
Amarillo by morning, Amarillo's where I'll be. 

7 7 7  -8 7  9  8     6 6 -6 7    -8    8 -8 7 
A-marillo by morning, A-marillo's where I'll be. 
 Comments (click here to add a non-facebook comment)
I think the song on the CD is capo I
-egplayer | 10/28/2005
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