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George Strait - Heaven Must Be Wondering Where You Are (Chord)
Album: Love Collection (2005)
Submitter: xdrewx (7) on 6/10/04
Month Views: 690 | Total Views: 4,980
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Heaven Must Be Wondering Where You Are
Georgre Strait
Tabbed by: xdrewx

Verse i
G                               D
Somewhere out there beyond the blue
                         C            G
Surely by now somebody's missing you
                  G7            C           Am       
I found the angel they must be looking for
D                                       G
Heaven must be wondering where you are

D                                       G
When I look into your eyes it's so plain to see
A                                 Am                D
Nothing here on earth describes what you mean to me
G                                   C        Am
Out of this world when I hold you in my arms
D                  D7                    G
Heaven must be wondering where you are

Verse ii
G                              D
Lucky me to be the one to find
                                  C     G
Someone like you this side of paradise
                                   C                Am
I know how lost I'd be without you here sweetheart
D                  D7                   G
Heaven must be wondering where you are

Repeat Chorus

                  G7            C           Am       
I found the angel they must be looking for
D                  D7                G
Heaven must be wondering where you are
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