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Hacienda Brothers - The Years That Got Away (Chord)
Submitter: deereman82 (75) on 11/18/08
Month Views: 443 | Total Views: 3,255
Moderator: Musikman212 | Report This Song?
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Hacienda Brothers - The Years That Got Away

Capo 2

D                G
I never saw them comin',
D                 G
I never felt them leave
D                              G
They came and went just like a whisp
E               A
Of smoke upon a breeze
D             G
Hair that was black
D             G
Now's turnin' grey
D                        G
Where they go I'll never know?
E                   A
…the years that got away

Yesterday's child
Today I'm a man
In between I lost some ground,
But I found a place to stand
Right by her side
No more to stray
She stuck it out thru thick and thin
…thru the years that got away

D                 G
Let bygone's be bygone's,
C                    F  
I've heard it all my life
D            G
But lately I been lookin' back
C                   F
Thanking God for my wife

Key Change move capo to 3

I bought an old studebaker,
a '52 Starlight Coupe
dilapidated, all used up,
couldn't do what it used to do
once strong and trusty,
it's kind of rusty today
couldn't last, it went so fast
…into the years that got away

but if that old car could talk,
I wonder what it might say?
Like a movie reel, it remembers still
…the years that got away 
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