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Jerry Jeff Walker - Trashy Women (Chord)
Submitter: janhauenstein (0) on 2/10/21
Month Views: 2,263 | Total Views: 2,986
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Trashy Women     Chris Wall

Yeah well, I was raised in a so(E)phisticated kind of (A)style,
But my taste in music and women drove my folks half (E)wild.
(D) Mom and Dad had a plan for me,
It was (A) debutantes and (D) symphonies,
But (A)I like my music (E)hot, I like my women (A)wild.

Yeah, I like my women just a (E)tad on the trashy (A)side,
When they wear their clothes too tight and their hair is (E)dyed.
(D) Too much lipstick and too much rouge
(A) Gets me excited, leaves me (D)feeling confused,
Yeah, (A)I like my women just a (E)tad on the trashy (A)side.

Well, you should have seen the look on the (E)faces of my Dad and (A)Mom,
When I showed up at the door with my date for the senior (E)prom.
They said, (D)"Pardon us, son, she ain't no kid,
That's a (A)cocktail waitress in a (D)Dolly Parton wig."
I said, "I (A)know it Dad, ain't she (E)cool? That's the kind I (A)dig."

Hey well, I like my women just a (E)tad on the trashy (A)side,
When they wear their clothes too tight and their hair is (E)dyed.
(D) Too much lipstick and too much rouge
(A) Gets me excited, leaves me (D)feeling confused,
Hey, (A)I like my women just a (E)tad on the trashy (A)side,
When they wear them high heels!
 - Instrumental verse - 

Yeah, I like 'em sweet, I (E)like 'em with a heart of (A)gold,
Hey, I like 'em brassy, I like 'em brazen and (E)bold.
They say (D)opposites attract, but I don't agree,
(A) I need a woman as (D)tacky as me,
Hey, (A)I like my women just a (E)tad on the trashy (A)side.

Yeah well, I like my women just a (E)tad on the trashy (A)side,
When they wear their clothes too tight and their hair is (E)dyed,
(D) Too much lipstick and too much rouge
(A) Gets me excited, leaves me (D)feeling confused,
Hey, (A)I like my women just a (E)tad on the trashy (A)side.
- Instrumental, four verse lines - 
Hey, (A)I like my women just a (E)tad on the trashy (A)side,
Hey, (A)I like my women just a (E)tad on the trashy (A)side!

© Chris Wall, All Rights Reserved

This is Jerry Jeff Walker's version.

janhauenstein at
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