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Jimmy Buffett - Devil I Know (Chord)
Submitter: Koichi Kondo (2135) on 10/15/20
Month Views: 975 | Total Views: 1,605
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The Devil I Know
Written by Jimmy Buffett & Mac McAnally
Recorded by Jimmy Buffett
Album: Life on the Flip Side (2020)

        A                               B               A

(A)Three in the morning came without a warning, (D)wound up with some old bucca-(A)neers
Tellin' (D)lies about the time I won the (A)Nobel Prize, (E)guess who bought all the (A)beers

Well, you'd (A)think I'd have tamed my old dragons by now, I've (D)always tried to be a good (A)scout
But (D)every now and then they (A)come swoopin' in, saying, "(E)Bubba, it's time to go (A)out"

Now it's(D)fun to wake up in a (A)strange chateau, after (E)racing 'round Paris in a (A)Deux Chevaux
My (D)wingman's crashing but (A)I'm not flying so-(F#m)lo
'Cause (D)he traded (A)places with the (E)devil I (A)know
(G)Devil (G#)I (A)know, (G)devil (G#)I (A)know

Solo:  ((A) ((A)(E)((A) - - -

Well, (A)life can be confusing but things need excusin’ to (D)separate the turns from the (A)twists
If I (D)had a Richter scale for (A)spouting forked tales, we'd (E)all be high on that s**t (A)list

Well, the (A)hitch to living hard is when you drop your guard and (D)wind up in a headline or a (A)cell
(D)Then compromise, or (A)worse, apologize, (E)welcome to the world of sinkin' (A)spells

(D)Messing with my mind was (A)fun at the time, (E)tossing to and fro in a (A)tricky undertow
(D)Deviants and derelicts, (A) lurking high and (F#m)low
(D)Ridin' shot-(A)gun with the (E)devil I (A)know
(G)Devil (G#)I (A)know, (G)devil (G#)I (A)know
Let's go ridin', devil

Solo:  ((D) ((D) ((D) ((A)(D)((D) ((D) ((D) ((A)(D)(

There were (E)times, there were (A)places, we (E)played near and (A)far
From the (C#)old Anchor (F#m)Inn to the (E)Suez (D)Canal (A)bar
From the (C#)Kraken to Man-(F#)hattan, Le Se-(C#)lect to Old Sai-(F#)gon
Mo-(B)jitos in Havana, (D)Timbuktu 'til (E)dawn

(A)Three in the mornin', feral cats are yawnin’, (D)full moon sinking in the (A)bay
(D)Spoonbills in flight, (A)oh, what a sight as I (E)sip on my café au (A)lait
Well, the (A)birds got me thinkin' 'bout going day drinkin’, a (D)hall pass to be the old (A)me
Don't (D)need hops and barley to (A)throw a little party, seño-(E)rita, una mas iced (A)tea

Hell, it's (D)fun to go fishing on a (A)new slack tide, (E)wake up living life (A)on the flip side
Them (D)dragons ain't gone, but they're (A)fading like an old tat-(F#m)too
Lots of (D)mystery in the (A)history of the (E)devil I (A)know
(G)Devil (G#)I (A)know, (G)devil (G#)I (A)know

Outro:  ((A) ((A) ((A) ((A) - - - 
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