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Joe Nichols - Brokenhearted (Chord)
Submitter: WildCard76 (682) on 3/30/22
Month Views: 1,339 | Total Views: 1,339
Moderator: Ray Terry | Report This Song?
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Joe Nichols
Album: Good Day For Living
Submitted by: Christopher R.

Capo 1st Fret (to match recording)

Cold Start / No Intro

  Ain't no (Am) crying in your beer
  Ain't no (G) she walked out the door
  Ain't no(Am)body broken(C)hearted in country (D) music any(G)more

Everybody's (C) hookin' up, gettin' down
Tearin' up their little town
(G) Loadin' up their cooler and they're headin' south, beach-bound
(C) Workin' on their tan
Koozie on a beer can
(G) Party every night, throwin' up their hands


It (C) killed me when you left me, I thought I was your baby
(G) I was goin' all kinds of climb-the-wall crazy
(C) Searchin' for a sad one on the radio dial
But (Am) all I heard was (D) smiles

Everybody's (C) hookin' up, gettin' down
Tearin' up their little town
(G) Loadin' up their cooler and they're headin' south, beach-bound
(C) Workin' on their tan
Koozie on a beer can
(G) Party every night, throwin' up their hands


I can't (Am) even find a bar
Where I (G) can drink alone
'Cause every(Am)body's dancin' to those (D) cover band party songs

Everybody's (C) hookin' up, gettin' down
Tearin' up their little town
(G) Loadin' up their cooler and they're headin' south, beach-bound
(C) Workin' on their tan
Koozie on a beer can
(G) Party every night, throwin' up their hands


  Ain't some(Am)body broken(C)hearted in country (D) music any(G)more 
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