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Joe Nichols - Just A Closer Walk With Thee (Chord)
Album: Kneel At The Cross (2007)
Submitter: danielcraggs (7) on 6/5/05 1 comment
Month Views: 383 | Total Views: 15,884
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Just A Closer Walk With Thee 
Joe Nichols


Intro: B | C# | A | B7

E             B        A      B7
I am weak but Thou art strong
                        E     A | B7
Jesus, keep me from all wrong
E            E7      A    A7
I'll be satisfied as long
     E            A    B7       E    A | B7
as I walk, let me walk close to Thee

E             B         A    B7
Just a closer walk with Thee
                     E    A | B7
Grant it Jesus is my plea
E     E7               A    A7
Daily walking close to Thee
       E        A  B7        E  B7
Let it be, dear Lord, let it be

E                     B        A      B7
Through this world of toil and snares
                       E      A | B7
if I faulter, Lord who cares?
E        E7           A       A7
Who with me my burden shares?
         E          A  B7          E    A | B7
None but Thee, dear Lord, none but Thee

E             B         A    B7
Just a closer walk with Thee
                     E    A | B7
Grant it Jesus is my plea
E     E7               A    A7
Daily walking close to Thee
       E        A  B7        E  C | D7 | G
Let it be, dear Lord, let it be

Instrumental (same timing as verse, basically):
G | D | C | D7
G | C | D7
G | G7 | C | C7
G | A | D | C# | C | A

E              B       A    B7
When my feeble life is o'er
                       E    A | B7
time for me will be no more
E        E7            A    A7
Guide me gently safely o'er
        E           A  B7         E     A | B7
to that shore, dear Lord, to that shore

E             B         A    B7
Just a closer walk with Thee
                     E    A | B7
Grant it Jesus is my plea
E     E7               A    A7
Daily walking close to Thee
       E        A  B7        E  A7
Let it be, dear Lord, let it be
       E        A  B7
Let it be, dear Lord, let it be

Outro: A | B | D | A | E

Right, here we are. I've spent all night on this. It's gone
midnight now. You're welcome. This is Joe's contribution to
Amazing Grace 3. It's a little tricky in places, but man,
you should see it without the capo; more barre than a
county jailhouse! Comments and corrections gratefully

If you re-host, GIVE CREDIT and link to CountryTabs.

 Comments (click here to add a non-facebook comment)
i can tell by the sloppiness without even playing it that the other tab is better
-Derek_Cave99 | 6/23/2005
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