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Josh Turner - I Was There (Chord)
Album: Punching Bag (2012)
Submitter: Koichi Kondo (3018) on 10/9/12
Month Views: 701 | Total Views: 4,099
Moderator: Ray Terry | Report This Song?
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I Was There
Written by Monty Criswell & Tim Mensy
Recorded by Josh Turner

(Capo on 4)

Intro.:  |(Em) / (G) / |(C) / / / |

(G)I was there that night in (C)Bethlehem
And when (Em)Neil and the boys came (D)to the moon in that (C)tin can
At (G)Gettysburg, Omaha Beach, in (C)Vietnam
I heard (Em)every soldier's (D)cry and every (C)mam's prayer
I was there (G)

(G)I was there when you took your (C)first breath
And when you (Em)lit that stolen (D)Lucky Strike and liked to (C)choke to death
When you were (G)waist deep in Carter's Creek and (C)preacher John
Dunked you (Em)down in the water and (D)raised you up for air (C)
(D) I was there (G)

(C)I'm always around, I was (D)then and I am now
And (G)I'll be here when (Bm) tomorrow (C) comes
When a (Em)road comes to an end, I'm (G)where you start again
I'm (C)never farther than (Bm) a word away, (Am) you've always got a (D)friend

When your (G)grandma passed, I was (C)in that house
And when your (Em)grandpa ran down the (D)streets of gold to show (C)her around
(D) I was there (G)

Inst.:  |(C) |(Em) |(Am) |(D) |

(C)I'm always around, I was (D)then and I am now
And (G)I'll be here when (Bm) tomorrow (C) comes
When a (Em)road comes to an end, I'm (G)where you start again
I'm (C)never farther than (Bm) a word away, (Am) you've always got a (D)friend

(G)I was there last night on (C)Highway 9
When you (Em)answered the phone and (D)ran right through that (C)stop sign
I was (G)in the cab of that (Bm)big rig, in that (C)trucker's ear
Made him (Em)swerve to the right and (D)miss you by a (C)hair
I was there (G) (Bm)

If you're (Em)feeling alone look (D)up I'm the one (C) who answers prayers (D)
And I'm always there (Em) (D) (C) -----
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