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Keith Urban - Raining On Sunday (detailed Chord/tab) (Tab)
Album: Golden Road (2002)
Submitter: Brady27 (0) on 4/17/06
Month Views: 486 | Total Views: 7,491
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Capo 4th Fret

"s" means to slide. So 7s9 means strike the note on 7, and then slide to fret 9 
while the note is ringing.

--> means to hold this note/chord for a few seconds (just listen to tell how 
long), and then hammer on to the next note shown. So, 1-->3 means to strike 
the string on fret 1, hold that note, and then hammer down on fret 3 while 
the note is still ringing. --> with nothing after just means to hold that 
note for a bit and then move on to the next part of the song (again, listen 
to tell when to make the change).

To start here, strum everything open, and immediatly hit a hammer on the A & D 
strings on fret 2 to form the Em chord.

**Intro** (repeat 2 or 4 times, your choice)
		|(Play this part quick)
E  -0	   0	|
B  -0	     0  1-->3       3
G  -0       	     0    0   0  0
D  -0h2----->	         2      2
A  -0h2----->	       3
E  -0		 

For the part between the hammer to make the Em (the very first part of the 
intro), and the 0,0,1-->3, try to keep the beat by tapping your foot twice 
slowly, or by lightly tapping your middle & ring fingers twice against the base 
of your guitar underneath the hole. This will help keep you in rhythm, and it 
also makes an echo on your guitar, which is appropriate for the song and sounds 
totally sweet.

Once you finish the intro, progress to the chords of the song. It's very 
simple, here are the chords I use.

 Em	C7	G	Dx	A7	Ax?
E-0	0 or 3	3	0or2or3	0or3	0
B-0	3	3	3	3	1
G-0	0	0	2	2	2
D-2	2	0	0	2	0
A-2	3	2	-	0	0
E-0	0	3	-	0	0

The reason I put down (or 3, or 2/3) for the C, & D chords, is because it's fun 
for me to play around with these. You'll notice the B string is held down on 
fret 3 for almost all the chords I'm making when I play this song (except for 
the Em and the Ax?, it just doesn't sound quite right to be on 3 there), and I 
use my ring finger to press this down. By keeping this here for the majority of 
the song, my hand is relatively stationary, and it leaves my pinky free to play 
around. So, if you want, you can use your pinky (and middle finger as well in 
the case of the D chord) to leave the high E string open, or press it down on 
2,3, or 5, giving you different sounds. If you're a beginner, play around with 
these as it will add a bit to a usually ordinary chord and make you sound 
probably better than you actually are. It sounds good to leave it open when you 
first strum the C7, and then come down with your pinky on fret 3. Just try not 
to stray too far, less you lose focus of the song. Here's the basic chord 
outline for the song:

Verse 1

     Em			              C7(add the pinky on "you" to get Cadd9)                     
It ticks just like a timex, it never lets up on you ...
G		             Dx
Who said life was easy, the job is never through ...

** Repeat that through the first verse of the song, as you come to the end of 
the first verse, at "before we both start falling apart ..." really be playing 
the D chord with your pinky down on the third frett of the high E, and really 
focus on hitting that high pitch twang you get from this. It helps build up the 
song as the chorus arrives. Play it here using rapid downstrokes and no 
upstrokes, until you arrive at the proper point in the chorus to change chords 

**IMPORTANT: When you're changing chords in this song, it sounds a lot better 
if you hammer on instead of playing the chords perfect. As in, when you're 
changing chords, strum the strings open and immediatly after hammer on your 
fingers to make the new chord. Like I mentioned earlier, I like to leave my 
ring finger on fret 3 of the B string, and I recommend you continue to leave it 
here while you perform the hammers, but your other fingers should be off the 
strings when you make your first strum, and then immediatly hammer down with 
them. That's just what I hear anyways.

Chorus ...

Dx (continued)       G
And Pray that it's raining on Sunday
A7 ----------------->add pinky at end as you transition into Cadd9
Storming like crazy
Cadd9			               G	  Dsus/D/Dadd9
We'll hide under the covers all afternoon
And baby what--ever comes Monday
Can take care of itself cause
C7	             Cadd9		G
We've got better things, that we can do
	Dsus-->D (same as the last transition 3 lines up)
When it's raining on sunday ...

G (strum a bit)    A7 (strum once and hold, then enter the next verse, playing the
same pattern as in verse 1)

At the end of verse 2, obviously go back and play through the chorus one more 
time. However, after you finish this round of the chorus, instead of playing G--
A7 like before, you're going to perform a solo. You should get into it right 
after you convert from a D to a Dadd9 (where you add your pinky down on the 
third fret of the high E. You should leave your fingers in the position of the 
Dadd9 when you get into this solo, as they're already in place for the first 
few notes. I like to keep it simple and sweet, I'm sure you can find better and 
fancier versions of this solo on this site, but here's how I do it (you'll need 
an electric, or an acoustic with a cutout to perform this solo):

Solo 1 (tabbed on real fret #'s, not in relation to the capo)

-7 6      7 6 7s9 9 7   0   0     0     0   0    0   0    0   0    0 
-   7                7 7s9 9s11 11s12 12s14 14 14s16 16 16s18 18 18s19
-    8 9 6

*** Above in the solo where you see     -  0
etc. do not tab these out individually, -  7s9
but instead strum the bottom 2 strings
and just slide on the B string while
the high E string rings open.

Then go back and play the chorus again, but obviously you won't be strumming 
the Dx in the beginning of it, just start singing "And pray that it's..." and 
then come in with the G chord on "raining" and continue to play it as normal.

After you finish going through the chorus, play the following chord pattern:

G   A7   Csus/Cadd9

while you sing "When it's raining on Sunday" over and over. I like to go 
through this 3 times, and I'll switch up the A's while I do it, so I'll go G-A7-
Csus the first time through, then I'll go G-Ax?-Csus the second time through, 
and then back to G-A7-Csus for the third time through. You don't have to do 
this 3 times, do it as many times as you want. However, on the last one the 
lyric changes, and instead of saying "when it's raining on Sunday," you 
say "C'MON LET IT RAIN," and at this point, start to just go wild. I change the 
chord pattern from G-A7-Csus here to G-Dx-Cx, meaning that essentially while 
I'm on D and C I'll let my pinky run wild and I'll try to hit the 2,3, and 5 
frets on the high E in alternating patterns. Play it hard and fast and have fun 
with it. This is kind of making up for the outro solo, since I have no idea how 
to play that. Besides, I'm writing this tab for 1 person on an acoustic guitar, 
and I'm not nearly talented enough to transition smoothly from a strumming 
chord into a really detailed solo like this one would be. So that's basically 
it, I'm hoping that was a good explanation of this song.
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