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Kevin Montgomery - I Won't Close My Eyes (Chord)
Submitter: tbowers715 (21) on 7/4/03
Month Views: 462 | Total Views: 2,904
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I Won't Close My Eyes
By Kevin Montgomery

A  F#m C#m E

A             F#m
I don't wanna think
                  C#m      E
That you could be runnin  around
A              F#m
After all the love
            C#m       E
That I have shown you
D E     F#m            
I won't knock on your door
D E     A                     D
I won't call to see if you're home
            E        A     F#m  C#m  E
But I won't close my eyes
A                   F#m                        
Love's a matter of trust 
           C#m                E
And I just want to believe in us
A                      F#m            
But last night in your kiss
         C#m         E 
I felt a lie on your lips 
D E     F#m            
I won't knock on your door
D E     A                     D
I won't call to see if you're home
            E        A     
But I won't close my eyes
Em  A  D  D/C# Bm  C#m  F# Bm E
A                       F#m
There are two kinds of love 
              C#m                E
Those who are true and those untrue
A               F#m
I see black and white 
                  C#m              E
Are you somewhere lost between the two
D E     F#m            
I won't knock on your door
D E     A                     D
I won't call to see if you're home
            E        A     
But I won't close my eyes
   D       E        A
No I won't close my eyes
Em  A  D  D/C# Bm  C#m  F# Bm E
A             F#m
I don't wanna think
                  C#m     E       A F#m  C#m E 
That you could be runnin  around 
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