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Kevin Montgomery - Josie's Getting Stronger (Chord)
Submitter: tbowers715 (21) on 7/9/03
Month Views: 523 | Total Views: 2,842
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Josie's Getting Stronger
By Kevin Montgomery

D   G   (twice)

Verse 1
D              G              A     G 
Josie sees her life as so complex
D           G                     A     G
She's got a boyfriend his name is Rex
D                   G                 A     G
Rex is a pretty boy he runs all over town
D                       G                      A      G
Breaks the young girls' hearts when she's not around
C                               D
She doesn't like the life she's leading
C                           G  
But she's a prisoner of the fear of leaving

But Josie's getting stronger
Josie's getting stronger
She won't take it much longer
                   G            D  G
Oh Josie's getting stronger

Verse 2
D           G                  A       G
All Josie's friends are so disgusted
D                    G                      A      G 
By the fact that she claims she still loves him
D        G            A        G            
Oh Josie wants him to change
D                    G                         A      G 
But in her heart she knows he'll always be the same
C                   D
Oh he's enjoyed his freedom
C                                 G
He doesn't realize how much he'll need her

But Josie's getting stronger
Josie's getting stronger
She won't take it much longer
Oh Josie's getting stronger
Em    C                 G   Bm
Josie kneels beside her bed stand
Em            C                   G               Bm
And prays for withered roses that slipped thru her hands
Em    C                      G   Bm
Josie she don't want your sympathy
Am                              D            G    D    G
She's so much stronger than she used to be
But Josie's getting stronger
Josie's getting stronger
But Josie's getting stronger
Josie's getting stronger
But Josie's getting stronger
                 G            D
Josie's getting stronger 
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