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Lindsay James - I Can’t Unlove You (Chord)
Submitter: Koichi Kondo (1946) on 8/25/22
Month Views: 534 | Total Views: 534
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I Can’t Unlove You
Recorded by Lindsay James
Album: Single (2022)

(No Capo)


(Verse 1)
I can (G)throw out the T-shirt I slept in when we were to-(C)gether
But I can't un-(C)wear it
Never (Em)go to the beach, where we (D)swore, you and me were for-(C)ever
But I can't un-(C)swear it

I can (C)change my routine
Drive (D)down different streets
But (Em)I can't outrun all the (G)you that's in me

(NC)Damn, I can't un-(C)love you
I'm not that (Em)smart, unfeel your (D)arm
Wrapped around (C)me every night
And see the (C)fire in your eyes
I (G)can't, some things I can't (C)undo
Unfeel your (Em)touch that I miss so (D)much
Don't you (C)think if I could find a way tonight I'd want to?
(NC)But damn, - - - I can't un-(C)love you
(Verse 2)
I can go (G) about my day then a friеnd says your name
And I (C)hate that they can't unsay it
I can throw (Em) out thе wine that we (D)drank all the time
Oh but (C)I, I can't untaste it
(NC)Damn, I can't un-(C)love you

I'm not that (Em)smart, unfeel your (D)arms
Wrapped around (C)me every night
And see the (C)fire in your eyes
I (G)can't, some things I can't (C)undo
Unfeel your (Em)touch that I miss so (D)much
Don't you (C)think if I could find a way tonight I'd want to?
But (C)damn, I can't unlove you

I (G)can't, I can’t unlove you (Em)
I can (C)change my routine, drive (D)down different streets, 
But (Em)I can't outrun all the (D)you that's in me
(NC)Damn, I can't (C) unlove you

I'm not that (Em)smart, unfeel your (D)arms
Wrapped around (C)me every night and see the fire in your eyes
I (G)can't, some things I can't (C)undo
Unfeel your (Em)touch that I miss so (D)much
Don't you (C)think if I could find a way tonight I'd want to?
(NC)But damn, I can't un-(C)love you (D)

(I can't un-(Em)love you) (G) (C) - - - - - 
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