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Love and Theft - Amen (Chord)
Album: Love And Theft (2012)
Submitter: Koichi Kondo (3019) on 9/5/13
Month Views: 598 | Total Views: 3,100
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Written by Derek George, Neil Thrasher & Bryan White
Recorded by Love and Theft

(Capo on 2)

Intro.:  |(D)(G)| x 8 bars

(D) I know we (G)shouldn't miss church, (D) but one Sun-(G)-day won't hurt
(D) It's just one of (G)those days besides, (D) I don't think (G)the man will mind
If I (D)take in something (G)spiritual right (D)here right now in (G)your eyes

Solo:  |(D)(G)|(D)(G) Can I get an |(A)a---(Bm)(G)men, |(D)(G) amen |(D)(G)|

(D) I'm up for (G)just laying in bed, (D) shuttin' it down (G)for once instead
(D) We've always gotta (G) be somewhere, (D) this feels (G)like an answered prayer
So why (D)don't we give (G)that sweet red dress, you (D)wear so well (G)the day off

Solo:  |(D)(G)|(D)(G) Can I get an |(A)a---(Bm)(G)men |

(D) Every once (G)in a while, (D) every now (G)and then
Can I get an (A)a---(Bm)-(G)--men, |(D)(G) amen |(D)(G)|(A) |(Bm)(G)|

(D) Every once (G)in a while, (D) every now (G)and then
Can I get an (A)a---(Bm)-(G)--men, |(D)(G)|(D)(G) can I get an |(D)a-(G)men |(D)(G)|

Solo:  |(D)(G)| x 4

(D) Yeah, I know we (G)shouldn't miss church, (D) but one Sun-(G)-day won't' hurt |(D)(G)|(D)(G)
I need an (D)a-(G)men, (D)(G) a- (D)men, (G) (D) (G) (D) a--- (G) (D) (G) ---men

Outro:  |(D)(G)| x repeat to fade
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