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Micky & The Motorcars - Raise My Glass (Chord)
Submitter: jwramsden (11) on 10/19/12 1 comment
Month Views: 842 | Total Views: 9,281
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Micky And The Motorcars-Raise My glass
Album-Raise My Glass

Am                 F        C                 
Down the street a lamp light glows
Am                          F              C               
The only heat through the slow falling snow
Am                      F      C
I raise my voice but it rings hallow
G                     F          Am
I raise my glass every time you called
G                    F
I raise my glass every time

You told me once that all it would take
To let the wind carry the weight
Is a chance to rest another heartache
I raise my glass to every mistake
I raise my glass every time

           C    G    F            Am
I take the boardwalk down to the bay
C               F
I listen to the waves
          C     G    F           Am          
And its a price that I've had to pay
C                      F
For every glass that i raised

I took a job at a factory plant
There are some things I can do some things I can't
I haven't been the same since the accident
I raise my glass in resentment
I raise my glass every time

Ninty miles an hour in the dead of the night
You leaned over and cut out the light
I flipped the z10 I was high as kite
i raise my glass to the dark sick night
I raise my glass every time


I hound these street till the bar rooms close
I only live to become a ghost
You were the one I always loved the most
I raise my glass to for final toast
I raise my glass one last time

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Corrections in (parentheses)

C G F (C) Am
I take the boardwalk down to the bay
(G) F
I listen to the waves
C G F Am
And its a price that I've had to pay
(G) F
For every glass that i raised

Just my two cents. Cheers!

-mpdoyle27 | 2/7/2013
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