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Mike Ness - Gamblin' Man (Chord)
Submitter: lyleb (1) on 3/24/06
Month Views: 477 | Total Views: 9,141
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Mike Ness
Gamblin' Man

This may not be exactly the way Mike Ness does it, but it's simple
and it works.

For the intro, play the verse chords and repeat the last line.
Between verses, repeat the verse chords.

Intro: C F C G7 C G7 C G7 C

      C                          F
Well, I'm a rovin' gambler, I've seen most every town
    C                                   G7           C
Whenever I meet with a deck of cards, I lay my money down
                               G7           C
Gonna lay my money down, yeah, lay my money down

C F C G7 C G7 C

I've gambled out in Texas and down in New Orleans
     C                                  G7                   C
I've lost a pot with four of a kind and won with a couple of Queens
                                             G7                   C
Gonna bluff with a couple of Queens, yeah, I won with a couple of Queens

C F C G7 C G7 C 

Well, I met a friend in 'Frisco and Lady Luck was her name
        C                                        G7               C
Well, I couldn't lose with a pair of twos 'til a woman got in the game
                                        G7               C
Oh, a red head got in the game, yeah, a woman got in the game

C F C G7 C G7 C 

Well, she won my old black panhead, she won my switch blade knife
    C                                 G7                C
And when I lost everything I had, she told me to bet my life
                                G7                C
She told me to bet my life, she told me to bet my life

C F C G7 C G7 C 

If you don't wanna lose your freedom, if you care about your life
      C                                            G7             C
Don't get in a game with a red headed dame, you'll win yourself a wife
                                        G7             C
Oh, You'll win yourself a wife, now you got yourself a wife
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