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Mike Ryan - Dancing All Around It (Chord)
Album: Bad Reputation (2014)
Submitter: lukerscott (0) on 6/18/14 1 comment
Month Views: 3,866 | Total Views: 73,381
Moderator: lukerscott | Report This Song?
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Intro: D, A, Bm, G
Mike Ryan- Dancing All Around It
Standard Tuning

 D                               A                                   Bm          G                                                                                                                                                        
I broke down and called her but she never called me back so I'm here drinkin'
D                               A                                   Bm          G
Halfway through my second one I check my phone again it still ain't ringin'
Em                D/F#             G
I wonder if she's missing me right now
Em                 D/F#              G
I think I see the answer through the crowd

D         A               Bm
There she goes looking her best 
Spinning out on the floor in a low cut dress
D                A                       Bm       A
He's holding her close there's no doubt about it
Em          D/F#  G
She ain't over me yet She's dancing all around it

D, A, Bm, G

D                          A                                      Bm         G
Maybe they just met tonight maybe she can't wait till this song's over
D                                   A                                Bm         G
If that's true then why the hell did she just put her head on his shoulder
Em                D/F#          G
Look at how she's looking in his eyes
Em                     D/F#       G
I don't think she'll call me back tonight

D         A               Bm
There she goes looking her best 
Spinning out on the floor in a low cut dress
D                A                       Bm       A
He's holding her close there's no doubt about it
Em          D/F#  G
She ain't over me yet She's dancing all around it

D, A, Bm, G

Em               D/F#         G
I can see what's really going on
Em                    D/F#    G     A
I was hoping that she wasn't really gone

D            A                Bm
But there she goes looking her best                                
Spinning out on the floor in a low cut dress
D                 A                     Bm       A
He's holding her close there's no doubt about it
Em           D/F#     G
She ain't over me yet 
Em           D/F#     G
She ain't over me yet
She's dancing all around it

Outro: D, A, Bm, G
 Comments (click here to add a non-facebook comment)
I think that "Em" in the verse (right before the D/F#) should be an "A." It's still "Em" in the chorus, though. Thanks for posting this song; it's a great one.
-chordboy | 8/24/2014
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