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Moe Bandy - Honky Tonk Amnesia (Chord)
Submitter: Guitarman78 (1) on 6/5/09
Month Views: 635 | Total Views: 6,136
Moderator: nsquilter | Report This Song?
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Moe Bandy
Honky Tonk Amnesia   
Chords G, C, D   

Verse 1:
G                               C     G
She’d be hurt if she knew I was drinkin’
Cause one’s too much and twelve’s not enough
       G                      C      G
She knows how it messes up my thinkin’
                        D                G
How it makes me look for someone else to love

G                C     G
I get honky tonk amnesia
I forget where all my love belongs
G                C     G
I get honky tonk amnesia
                 D                 G
And sometimes it lasts all nite long

Verse 2:
G                            C        G
She’ll accept my story without question
About the overtime I’m putting in
G                                            C    G
Till someone calls she’ll tell them that I’m restin’
                         D                      G
While I wonder what I’ve done and where I’ve been

Repeat Chorus:
 G               D                  G
And sometimes it lasts all night long.

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