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Original Artist - For Waylon (Chord)
Submitter: sanoma (25) on 9/18/02 2 comments
Month Views: 374 | Total Views: 2,863
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Title "For Waylon"
Artist "Sanoma"

He grew up in Texas,his thirst for music strong.
He got into radio,The airwaves were his home.
Then Buddy Holly asked him to join him in a song.
Buddy's time was ending, though how were they to know.
Waylon took a bus after playing Clearfield's show.

Nashville wasn't easy for a good ol' boy like him.
He liked to play the music his own way.
He and guys like Willie fought them all the way
Waylon took his song of This Time and headed way out west.
He finally got it up to number one.

Then things really started happening,he met Jesse along the way.
They took on life's challenges as one.
The pills and booze and music,always took him down.
But Jesse usually brought him back around.

I seen them in Montana not far from the end,
He played in rain and mud to do the show.
I never will forget that night he gave it all he had.
I've never seen him do a better show.

Now he's gone only his songs remain...
It's up to guys like us to keep them going.
We'll all remember Waylon Jennings..........
Let's keep the music flowing...

*There is some fact here,but not verified*
*If I'm wrong on some points it was not intentional*
*A dj that waylon worked with owns a country station
*in my home town*

* Waylon was the best*

 Comments (click here to add a non-facebook comment)
Awesome job. Waylon was the best.
-waylon4ever | 4/2/2003
Good tune. It's good to know that people are
paying their tributes to legends like Waylon. He made top quality music. Not as
powerful as Johnny Cash, but pretty close.
You know, most of the people I mention the
name Waylon Jennings to react by saying "Who
the 'f' is that?" And it puts me in a rage.
I take a freak when they say that to me.
Nowadays, the people around me listen to
nothing but the most disgusting crap ever,
and I can't believe that they actually call
it music. So I give you praise for your
Waylon tribute. You've got high calibur in
my books. I give your song a 10 out of 10.
The full five stars, and two thumbs up.
Also, you got the facts right. I didn't think
a loy of people woul have known that Waylon played
bass for Buddy Holly. I mentioned it to people and
it raised some eyebrows when they heard it.
-macg1 | 9/27/2005
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