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Original Artist - Untitled (Chord)
Submitter: sanoma (25) on 1/17/03 1 comment
Month Views: 374 | Total Views: 2,582
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ARTIST   sanoma at

He had one last glass of whisky,
And stuck a smoke between his teeth.
Checked his 44 and walked out to the street.
He pulled his hat brim way down low,
To keep the sun out of his eyes.
And then he climbed up on his horse,
For maybe his last ride.
He was a U.S. Matshall,headed west of town.
Where holed up was some young outlaw.,
Who swore he'd shoot him down.
He was just about a mile,from his destination.
When shots rang out and he hit the ground.
The kid had been there waitin'.
As he lay there bleedin' starein in the sun
His last thoughts before he died,
Were of back when he was young..

He had one last glass of milk,
And stuck a straw between his teeth.
Checked his caps and gun and walked out to the street.
He pulled his cap bill way down low,
To keep the sun out of his eyes.
And then he climbed up on his stick horse.
For a long afternoon ride.
He pretended he was a marshall,
Heard a new kid had come to town.
Just up the road a ways 
He was going to check him out.
He was just about a half a block from his destination.
When caps started poppin,and he hit the ground,
The new kid had been waitin'.
As he lay there playin dead,starein at the sun.
His thoughts were interupted,by his mother callin (pause)

"Hey young Marshall,come wash up your supper's almost done."
 Comments (click here to add a non-facebook comment)
It's lyrics worth working , keep after it.Put it in better form so the
breaks can be seen.I'll look forward to the completion of this western.
-cowboynemo | 1/17/2003
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