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Original Artist - Why Must Our Children Pay (Chord)
Submitter: Deleted Member (0) on 5/31/02
Month Views: 197 | Total Views: 1,933
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Hi all, just something I have been working on sence my ex took the kids out of state. 
Would appreciate feed back.

Why must our children pay

Baseball games, Boy Scout awards, where were you dad?
Three kids of my own, 1700 miles away, now how can I be a dad?
Who stood there for me? Who will stand there for them?

You claim they don't need a dad.
Why then did I feel so lost with out mine?
Why did I feel so alone standing in that line?

News paper stories, absent fathers, troubled youth.
Our hurting young shout out loud, can't you hear them?
Can't you see, this is not about you and me?

Our union is broke, it can't be fixed.
Why must our children pay?
Why must everything go your way?

I've been wrong, as wrong as a man can be.
Hit me, kick me, hell why not just shoot me.
But why must our children pay?
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