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Original Artist - 'untitled' J. Cash Tribute Song (Chord)
Submitter: BuckFu (0) on 10/17/03 1 comment
Month Views: 292 | Total Views: 2,567
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I got an email from that Paramount Group thing in Nashville about some Johnny
Cash tribute contest,  ideas started floatin' so I wrote em down, let me know 
what you think......

I have no experience writing lyrics at all, I just wrote the words as they hit 
my head  :) not so much about Cash, as a story about how his songs were a part 
of my life and incorporated his song titles into the lyrics.

Untitled JCash tribute song
Written by Bart Raboin - 10/03

Try as he might, I wasn't answerin' my door,
I knew a fulldays work was waitin on the other side,

He'd yell, 'wake up lightnin!' but I sure wasn't all that quick.
I hit the Nightlife on Friday and cursed those Cocaine Blues,

Daddy'd say he's a Worried Man, tellin' me to Walk the Line,
then he grabbed his old guitar, cuz he knew it'd do the trick...

I woke up to the Man in Black, and saw folsom prison in those fields,

he sang loud and a bit off key, but it Unchained me from my sleep

The songs got us to Drive On, another day a little further on.

I didn't know then but I realize now,

it was my daddy's way of dealin, with the pain.

A Country Boy made of Flesh and Blood, and my momma his One Rose, 
She was a Spritual and loving soul, did her best to keep us close,

A Rowboat was my brother's rocket ship, chasin' Riders in the Sky,
It's where I helped build a family home One Piece at a Time.

These days it feels like I've Been Everywhere
But there's still a place where my mind goes back home,

"pick it."

I woke up to the Man in Black, and saw folsom prison in those fields,

he sang loud and a bit off key, but it Unchained me from my sleep

The songs got us to Drive On, another day a little further on.

I didn't know then but I realize now,

it was my daddy's way of dealin, with the pain.

quick fade to background strumming end of song:

(normal speech)
I'm a bit older now, and my dad, he's still around.  Once and a while When the 
Man Comes Around,  we'll sit down and play those songs, rememberin 
back.....*fade in a crappy recording of dad singing and playing his old 
guitar*  then fade out......"Alright alright, I'm up......whatta we got to do 
today?.."  end on one final chord strum and maybe the old man laughin or some 
quick quirp
 Comments (click here to add a non-facebook comment)
awesome!!!!!!!! that would be a number one hit maybe even a classic someday. you even got it planned out!!

-macg1 | 4/3/2004
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