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Phil Pritchett - God Save The King (Chord)
Submitter: texmex16 (2) on 7/5/05 4 comments
Month Views: 697 | Total Views: 8,449
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God Save The King
Phil Pritchett

Beginning (play twice): 	 G-F-C

G 	  	  	  	  	 D
Another night in another town in another smoky place
D 	  	 Am 	  	  	  	 C 	 
Me and the Full Band were sitting backstage looking at the 
 	 G 	  	  	  	  	 D
Of the lead singer of the opening act who had just left the stage
 	 Am 	  	  	 C 	  	   D
I saw youthful greatness in his eyes despite his age
And he said,

Take a picture why don’t ya’, many others have done the same
Cause I was once called Elvis Presley, but now Jackson is my name
We sat there in silence as reality set in
And I had so many things to ask him and didn’t know where to begin

God save the king
Em 	       G 	  	         D
He said its not as easy as it looks
C 	  	 G
To live as royalty
God save the king
Em 	  	 G 	 D
He said I never died I was just tired
C 	  	 G
Of living in Tennessee

(Go into beginning)

His voice was undeniably of the man that he claimed to be
He wore a Poor David’s Pub t-shirt and a faded pair of jeans
The smell of a bar at midnight, man this is what it’s all about
You know I tried to get back for years, but the Colonel sold me out


(There’s a little bridge that’s just G and C back and forth about three times)


(Go into beginning)

Think I got it. If not send the right ones. Guarantee you this is the only tab 
for this song so far on the internet.

 Comments (click here to add a non-facebook comment)
the intro sounds more to me like G-F-C/C-F-G I could be wrong though but that sounds better to me
-thines423 | 7/22/2005
sounds good. been lookin for this tab for awhile, thanks
-bigben5983 | 9/26/2005
Very good. Intro sounds perfect to me, and I've been looking for this one for a while too, so thanks.
-Murph316 | 12/16/2005
Intro is on spot. Been playing this for a while now. Just needed a lyric refresher. I prefer "Stubbs BBQ t-shirt" over "Poor Davids pub t-shirt." No offense to Poor Davids, I just heard it the other way first and it stuck.
-danthemand112 | 8/24/2014
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