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Porter Wagoner - Dear Lonesome (Chord)
Album: The Thin Man from the West Plains (1994)
Submitter: Ray Terry (152) on 8/23/09
Month Views: 546 | Total Views: 3,744
Moderator: Ray Terry | Report This Song?
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Dear Lonesome 
Porter Wagoner
Album: The Thin Man from the West Plains

C         D    C             G 
Dear lonesome with a broken heart

G                                 D
If I could write myself a letter here's how I would start
C         D    C             G
Dear lonesome with a broken heart
How are things since she has left you has your whole world fell apart
C         D    C             G 
Dear lonesome with a broken heart


G    C                            G
In answer to this letter I'd say yes it's very true
     C                       G                        D
No lonely heart in all the world could feel the way I do
   G                              D
If I could write myself a letter here's how I would start
C         D    C             G
Dear lonesome with a broken heart

Instr. G-C-D-C-G


G    C                            G
In answer to this letter I'd say yes it's very true
     C                       G                        D
No lonely heart in all the world could feel the way I do
   G                              D
If I could write myself a letter here's how I would start
C         D    C             G 
Dear lonesome with a broken heart

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