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Reba McEntire - My Sister (Chord)
Album: Room to Breathe (2003)
Submitter: Philkaz (0) on 6/22/05 6 comments
Month Views: 413 | Total Views: 5,718
Moderator: Ray Terry | Report This Song?
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My Sister - Reba McEntire 
 (D)Hey girl, it's me, I just called to tell you (G)hi
Call me when you get this
(D)Haven't talked lately, so hard to find the (G)time
Give the boys a big kiss, (D)Tell them that I (G)miss them
(D)By the way, I miss (b)you too

(G)I was thinking just today, About how we used to play
(D)Barbie dolls and make-up, Tea parties, dress up
(G)I remember how we'd fight,
make up, and laugh all night
(D)Wish we were kids (b)again, 
My (G)sister, my friend (D)

(D)Oh yeah, before I forget, I met (G)someone
I think I realy like him
(D)I was just wondering if I'm jumping the (G)gun
By going out on a limb
(D)And invite him home for (G)Christmas
(D)To meet the (b)family

(G)Seems like just yesterday
You brought home oh, whats his name
(D)He had been drinkin', What were you thinkin'?
(G)After dinner he passed out, We can laugh about it now
(D)We've learned a lot since (b)then
My (G)sister, my friend (D)

(F)Do you think (C/E)you could come and 
(D)see me sometime soon?
(F)We could just (C/E)hang out like we (A)used to

(G)It's late, and I should go, 
But I can't hang up the phone, (D)Until I tell you
What I don't tell you enough
(G)Even though at times it seemed, 
We were more like enemies
(D)I'd do it all (b)again, (G)My sister, my friend (D)
Oh my (G)sister, my friend (D)
 Comments (click here to add a non-facebook comment)
This is somewhat close to the other one, but it's in F. I have a recording in E.
-macg1 | 7/4/2005
Thanks for putting this together - its a great song!! Appreciate it!
-ssiroski | 6/23/2005
admin delete this please
-musicmixstudio2 | 10/30/2005
is (b) supossed to be Bm ?
-musicmixstudio2 | 10/30/2005
where I come from (Poland), we always write the minor chords with lower case letters. It makes it shorter. So "Bmin" is written as "b". PCK
-Philkaz | 10/30/2005
The "b" in question is actually a Bdim which can be played like a E7 without the open E strings like this:

-BrianEarlHaines | 2/12/2009
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