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Reckless Kelly - April To October (Chord)
Submitter: tbowers715 (21) on 6/27/08 1 comment
Month Views: 617 | Total Views: 4,717
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April to October
Reckless Kelly

I definitely don't have the lyrics down perfect in the chorus, so feel free to correct them


Verse One:
                              A                             E
We've come down the homestrech and we're living on borrowed time
                               A                               E
We hit a rough skid into August and we're more than a little behind
      A                                                    E
We've already played a hundred, there's still sixty-two to go
                     A                  E
And April to October, it's a long, long road

Verse Two:
Lately I've been slumpin' but skip says I'm doing fine
You gotta wait for your swing to find you and just keep on guarding that line
You gotta good set of legs below you and a glove made of solid gold
And April to October, it's a long, long road

A           B                   E
And the baseline belongs to the runner
A      B                      E
A fair ball don't always seem fair
A         B            C#m
Just give me a team of sluggers
               A                  B
And our chance begins, our chance begins

Instrumental (like chorus, end in E into verse three)

Verse Three:
We're right back in the hunt now, it's down to one last game
It's two and two with one out and I'm ninety feet away
If this southpaw doesn't watch me I'll be headed straight for home
Tell him April to October, it's a long, long road
Yeah April to October, it's a long, long road

A           B                   E
And the baseline belongs to the runner
A      B                      E
A fair ball don't always seem fair
A         B            C#m
Just give me a team of sluggers
               A                  B           E
And our chance begins, our chance begins 
 Comments (click here to add a non-facebook comment)
do they just play this song live, or is it a single?
-tkerr | 6/27/2008
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