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Rhett Akins - I Brake for Brunettes (Chord)
Album: A Thousand Memories (1995)
Submitter: Deleted Member (0) on 8/21/01 1 comment
Month Views: 467 | Total Views: 6,593
Moderator: Georgewb | Report This Song?
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I brake for brunettes
Blondes in corvettes 
    G                            A
Redheads I stop on a dime
          D                                A  
Now the way I drive it's a wonder that I
          G                       A  
Ever get anywhere on time
  D                               A
So don't tailgate my pickup truck 
              G                                  A
Or you just might wind up  in a wreck
                   D                                            A
Now they aint't made the sticker for my bumper just yet but
I brake for brunettes
             D                            A
I let firestone put me some new tires on 
   G                      A
Just a few week ago
         D                       A  
But man I swear that wear and tear
        G                         A
Is already starting to show 
               D                          A
Well I oughta just whistle or yell 
        G                         A   
But man I can't help myself

Repeat chorus:
                       D                               A
You'll see my big skid marks by the wave pool park 
         G                   A
And Judy's beauty salon 
            D                                         A
Lord I  tore up the street in front of betty's boutique
                    G                                  A
Where they come out with mini skirts on
              D                                          A
Well I know I'm gonna wear out my tread 
    G                               A 
Down by Tina's tanning bed 
 Comments (click here to add a non-facebook comment)
Boy this song brings back some old times, thanks for sharing the chords.
-CrazyEddie50 | 11/25/2014
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