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Rhett Akins - Middle Of Nowhere (Tab)
Submitter: rune (38) on 5/3/09
Month Views: 565 | Total Views: 9,315
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Rhett Akins - Middle Of Nowhere

Capo 1
  D       A/C#     Bm       G         D

Well, I come from the middle of nowhere 
But I had big plans for getting outta there 
So when dreams came calling 
D               G              A
I went chasing down that road
And here I am strutting down these city streets 
A yellow brick road beneath my feet
        G                 D
Ohh but somtimes in this skyline view 
G            A
All I see is me and you 

    G                 A          D
And cotton fields and dusty dirt roads 
  G                  A                Bm            Bm/A
Driving fast in my daddy's truck and taking it slow 
         G             D/F#         Em
With the summer breeze tangling our hair
         G                 A          D
All those nights we spent moonlight talking 
    G                 A        Bm   Bm/A
Holding hands and barefoot walking 
  G               D/F#             Em
And never letting go that was are prayer 
D/F#       G
Back when we could see forever
A                    D     A/C#
 From the middle of nowhere

I ain't been home in quite a while
But thinking back I crack a smile
          G                       D
I bet ol' Eddy still racing his Chevell
    G                   A
And Ricky's rasing hell
And here I am sitting in an uptown bar
With big wigs big money and big cigars
        G              D 
Oh, but who's to say who's got it made
     G                A
The one who left or those who stayed

       G              A           D
Where everybody knows everybodies name
                 G                   A             Bm        Bm/A
Where the whole town shuts down for friday night football games
       G         D/F#                 Em  
Spend saturday circling 'round the square
           G                  A              D
Where your next of kind lives just down the road
       G              A                Bm             Bm/A
And church on Sunday morning seems to lighten up the load
         G          D/F#              Em   D/F#
Yea, I left a lot behind when I left there
But my roots will live forever
A                  D
 In the middle of nowhere

     Bm                 A
Well I ride the wings of my dreams
Until I see them through
         Bm                  A               G
Then I won't slow down till my hometown is coming into view
       Em               D/F#             G
Cause my babys dream is winding up back there

Where I'll settle down forever
A                  D       Bm
 In the middle of nowhere
Someday my bones will rest forever
A                  D - A/C# - Bm - G
 In the middle of nowhere
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