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Rhett Akins - Old Dirt Road (Chord)
Album: A Thousand Memories (1995)
Submitter: Deleted Member (0) on 8/21/01
Month Views: 475 | Total Views: 4,636
Moderator: Georgewb | Report This Song?
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There's an old dirt road off of 33
Lord it's been so long since it's seen me
        C                                            G  
But I've put many a miles across its back

I used to kick up dust in the summer time

Running the Georgia, Florida line
     C                                        G
A teenage train jumping off the track
Had the windows rolled down and beer cans flying
Bocephus on the knob and a coon dog crying

                   D           C                    G
Now those days are gone in my rearview
Lord all the scenes have changed
And all the road are all brand new
                 D              C                            G
When my home sick heart gets the best of me
              D         C            G
I hit that old dirt road off of 33
I was running with a bunch of friends of mine

With nothing to do but shoot ole stop signs
C                                                    G
Half the time with the law hot on our heels

We'd get cleaned up and go looking around

For a car load girls to follow us down
        C                                                         G
To a run down cabin and a party back in the fields
Oh God bless momma she never had a clue
But I got a feeling that my daddy knew

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