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Rodney Carrington - White Shirts And Rain (Chord)
Submitter: ga_rebel_31806 (1) on 7/30/09
Month Views: 654 | Total Views: 30,977
Moderator: sirblakenz | Report This Song?
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Intro: C, G, C, D, G
                     C                     G
I was fifteen years old, a young innocent boy
                     C                       G 	 
On a playground at school, when I first met Joy
                  C                             Em, D, C
Her T-shirt was white, and her chest was quite large
                             G, D 	                      G
When the storm clouds rolled in, it started commin' down hard

                  C                           G
White shirts and rain, yeah they bring on a change
We knew she had a set, but when she got em both wet
                  G                             C
You could see everything; I just stood there in aw
                 Em, D,C                      G
She didn't have on a bra; a cold wind hit her back
                    D 	                 G
And out popped her rack, white shirts and rain

                        C                           G
I've heard em called hangers; I've heard em called cans
                        D 	                                                G
I've heard em called cha-cha's n chi-chi's n boobies, n two really good friends
                 C                       Em, D, C
Some like to be pet on, pinched on and pulled 
                       G,D                         G
Some like to be kissed on, some you can't touch at all

                  C                           G
White shirts and rain, yeah they bring on a change
They've all got a set, but when they get em both wet
                G                              C
You can see everything, and it's hard not to stare
                        Em    D, C 	                            G       
When they're sittin right, over there, could you run through my lawn 
                   D 	                           G
I got my sprinkler on, because today looks like no, rain
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