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Rodney Crowell - She's Crazy For Leavin' (Chord)
Album: Diamonds & Dirt (2008)
Submitter: tbowers715 (21) on 3/7/04
Month Views: 1,274 | Total Views: 9,196
Moderator: Ray Terry | Report This Song?
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She's Crazy for Leavin'
Rodney Crowell


Verse One:
         E                    A
Well the bus pulled away in a roaring black cloud
       B7                            E
Well I stood in the road and honey I hollered right out loud
"Well hey darling I love you, Hey bus driver WOAH!"
        B7                                       E
But you can't stop a woman when she's out of control

Chorus One:
      A                 B7         E
She's crazy for leavin, I told her so
When the boys at the bus stop just said, "Man let her go"
           A                 B7         E
Well she's crazy for leavin, I told her so
        A               E             B7         E
But you can't stop a woman when she's out of control

Verse Two:
     E                         A
So I punched out my truck on a telephone pole
        B7                               E
But she never looked back she just said "Go driver, Go!"
Well I know I could have caught her but I ran out of luck
She was long gone to Lufkin
By the time they cut me out-a my truck

Chorus One (reapeated)

Verse Three:
     E                            A
So I kicked and I cussed that old East Texas road
          B7                          E
I throwed rocks at my truck which had busted my nose
You add insult to injury and what do you get?
          B7                                          E
YOu get a bus stop full of honkies that don't ever forget

Chorus Two:
      A                 B7         E
She's crazy for leavin, I told her so
When the bus depot lady just said, "Hon, let her go"
           A                 B7         E
Well she's crazy for leavin, I told her so
        A               E             B7         E
But you can't stop a woman when she's out of control


E        A        B7        E                A        B7        E

Repeat Verse Three

Repeat Chorus Two

       A               E             B7         E
No you can't stop a woman when she's out of control

You know she's probably already to Little Rock 
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