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Ryan Shupe and the RubberBand - Dream Big (Chord)
Submitter: mystikal1116 (2) on 7/2/05 10 comments
Month Views: 1,620 | Total Views: 26,815
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Dream Big 
by: Ryan Shupe and the RubberBand

(Capo 5)

Intro: C G Am G F G
       C G Am G F C G

Verse 1:
 C       C/B       Am            G  
When you cry, be sure to dry your eyes.
  F                            G
Cause better days are sure to come.
 C           C/B       Am          G
And when you smile be sure to smile wide.
 F                           G
And dont let them know they have won.
 C            C/B             Am      
And when you walk, walk with pride, 
        G                F
Don't show the hurt inside,
            C             G 
cause the pain will soon be gone.

 Am            G           C
And when you dream, dream big.
Am  G            C         Am   
As big as the ocean blue. Cause when
      G               C
you dream it might come true.
 Am       G          C
When you dream, dream big.

(Play verse chords for solo)

Verse 2:
When you laugh be sure to laugh out loud
cause it will carry all your cares away.
And when you see, see the beauty all around
and in yourself, and it will help you feel okay.
And when you pray, pray for strength to help
you carry on when trouble comes your way.

And when you dream, dream big.
As big as the ocean blue. Cause when
you dream it might come true. 
When you dream, dream big.

When you laugh be sure to laugh out loud
cause it will carry all your cares away.
And when you see, see the beauty all around
and in yourself, and it will help you feel okay.
And when you pray, pray for strength to help 
you carry on when trouble comes your way.

And when you dream, dream big. 
As big as the ocean blue. Cause when
you dream it might come true. 
When you dream, dream big.   
 Comments (click here to add a non-facebook comment)
nice tab. i love this band
-BIGTEX1813 | 7/5/2005
Awesome job! I have been waiting for this one for awhile now. Thanks!
-Sarah1182 | 7/6/2005
its definently in the right key as he tabed it
-urban109 | 7/15/2005
Good job - only advice is instead of going
from C to G in the first lines, it's a
walkdown so it should go C to C/B to Am...

-lmofle | 7/22/2005
Your correct...of course. I'll change it, thanks.
-mystikal1116 | 7/22/2005
wheres the finger picking
-toddllewellyn | 8/21/2005
awesome job i been waiting for this song to come out in tab. I heard it on CMT for the first time and new that i wanted to learn to play it so thanks man.
-Robnhood | 8/27/2005
If you think theese guys are good on vid you aught to see them live!!! My wife and I had front row seats at a banquet that they played and they were awesome. Tons of energy!!!
-MrWhipple | 10/17/2005
You did a great job keep it up
-joelman | 10/27/2005
Nicely done Mate! I have been looking to play this all over.
-spud-bud | 11/26/2005
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