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Stanley Brothers - Angel Band (Chord)
Album: Angel Band: The Classic Mercury Recordings (1995)
Submitter: Shortyboi33 (8) on 3/3/10
Month Views: 1,887 | Total Views: 16,466
Moderator: Ray Terry | Report This Song?
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      G            C      G
My latest sun is sinking fast,                                      
              D    G                                     
My race is nearly run,                                
   C        G
My longest trials now are passed,                      
      D      G                                       
My triumph has begun,                        

Oh come angel band,
D          G
Come and around me stand,
C                     G
Bear me away on your snow white wings,
                D      G
To my immortal home,
C                    G
Bear me away on your snow white wings,
         D       G
To my immortal home,

I've almost reached my heavenly home,
My spirit loudly sings,
The holy ones, behold they come,
I hear the noise of wing

Oh, bear my loving heart to him
Who bled and died for me, 
Whose blood now cleanses from all sins,
And give me victory,
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