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Stanley Brothers - How Mountain Gals Can Love (Chord)
Album: Stanley Brothers - All Time Greatest Hits (2002)
Submitter: GeetarPikinGirl (32) on 3/19/03
Month Views: 613 | Total Views: 3,889
Moderator: Ray Terry | Report This Song?
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***2nd capo***
C              G
Get down boys, go back home
D                     G
back to the girls you love.
C                G
Treat her right, never wrong
D                     G
how mountain gals can love.
Riding in the night in the high cold wind,
         D                         G
on the trail of that old lonesome pine.
Thinkin' of you and feeling so blue,
           D                G
wondering why I left you behind.
(to chorus)
Remember the night when we strolled down the lane
         D                         G
our hearts were gay and happy then
you whispered to me as I held you close
           D                G
I hope this night will never end.
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