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Stanley Brothers - In Heaven We'll Never Grow Old (Chord)
Album: I Saw the Light (1996)
Submitter: kb8pbo (47) on 3/13/04
Month Views: 733 | Total Views: 6,006
Moderator: Ray Terry | Report This Song?
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In the Bible, we read of a city
           A                               E
Where the streets are all paved with pure gold
We'll live in that city forever
                     B7       E      
And there we shall never grow old 

In Heaven we'll never grow old
   A                       E              
In Heaven we'll never grow old
We'll live in that city forever
                    B7        C                  
And there we shall never grow old 

In the Bible, we read of a river
      A                         E              
That flows by the throne we are told
We'll drink of th pure liv'in water
                    B7        C                    
And there we shall never grow old 

We read of the earths weary pilgrims
             A               E                     
Who wandered thru hungry an' cold
They reached land of safety
                      B7        E                   
And there they shall never grow old 

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